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100% Donation Policy

All funds received are 100% used on specified appeals and orphan care.

Donation Policy

Our Donations Policy

Every penny of your donation will go to the cause or charity project you gave it for.
We will not deduct any fees or admin costs from your donation.
We will not use any part of your donation to cover the Charity’s overheads, wages, or other expenses.
We treat every donation as an Amanah and use it only for the cause/ project that you donated this for. For example, £10 for orphan support will be allocated entirely for the Orphan Support Project.

Types of Donation we accept:

  • Zakat
  • Sadaqah
  • Fidya
  • Lillah
  • Waqf – donation of land or property to be used for charitable purpose
  • General donation

These can be made one-off or on monthly basis

Gift Aid – to pay our Admin Costs

As a UK taxpayer you can increase the value of your donation by 25%, by adding Gift Aid. This is a Scheme, operated by the UK Government, allowing tax to be reclaimed by charities from eligible donations. Not all donations are gift-aidable, such as donations made by businesses or by someone who is unemployed etc. We will use the Gift Aid, where it is available, to cover the admin costs of the Charity, such as rent, utilities, wages, overheads etc.

This is how we can operate our 100% Donation Policy of your personal donation.

Donation Allocation Policy

At World Care Foundation we operate a strict “Restricted Fund Policy” which means that all donations made to us are allocated to a specific cause/ project which is chosen by each donor at the point of donation. This means that donations made to support orphans, for example, cannot be used for tent improvements in refugee camps. Similarly, Zakat given to Syrian orphans cannot be allocated to orphans in Yemen. We can therefore assure you that any donation given for one project cannot be allocated to a different project.

Donations are received via online payments, bank transfer or cash payments.

For online donations each donor via our website or crowdfunding pages is aware of cause/ project for which they are donating. Each donation therefore is allocated to the said cause.

For payments made in cash we ask the donor to provide us the project/ cause for which they are donating in order to allocate it accordingly.

Payments made into our bank account must include a reference which the donor will find on our website or in the appeal text which they may have received for which they are donating. The donors can also contact WCF office to ask for a reference number. If no reference is mentioned then the funds are allocated to where needed most.

Donors can request information about their donation at any time. At World Care Foundation we strive to be transparent and open at all times. We take our responsibility to distribute funds in accordance with the wishes of our donors very seriously.


World Care Foundation is a registered charity and therefore it complies with all relevant charity regulations. The Trustees work on a voluntary basis and are not paid. The Charity’s Trustees, Board and Management Teams carry out their duties, to the best of their abilities in good faith, and operational policies and practices are set up in line with relevant legal, financial, regulatory and ethical standards, that apply to registered charities.

You are welcome to discuss how we will spend your donation, by contacting us by phone or email. Better still; join us on one of our charity trips to see exactly how your money is spent. Contact us today on info@worldcarefoundation.org

World Care Foundation regularly takes volunteers and donors on charity trips to various countries so that they are be able to witness first-hand what a difference their donation is making, as well as helping out with the volunteering work in the field. We guarantee you a very humbling and rewarding opportunity and would be happy to put you in touch with someone who has been before, if you wish to find out more.

Tel: 03000 12 11 10
Email: info@worldcarefoundation.org

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100% Donation Policy

All funds received are 100% used on specified appeals and orphan care.